Assignment Feedback: A Case Study, an Ethics Review & a Questionnaire Report

The end of last semester was packed with assignments, especially with two being due in only a couple days apart.  I am pleased with how they all turned out, especially the case study as I had never previously done one before and it made a change from doing a report.  All three pieces of feedback will help in my upcoming poster & report assignments and will aid in the development of my analytical and writing skills.

Case Study:

I chose the topic of ‘Learning in the Classroom’ for my case study evaluation and used Piagetian theory to develop a lesson plan whilst explaining the impact and effectiveness of the theory in real-life educational settings.  I received 78/100 which equates to a high first; it is extremely rewarding to receive this grade as I put a lot of effort into this assignment.

A strength of my work was how I demonstrated “detailed/excellent knowledge and understanding” throughout the case study.  This is further shown by my use of “a wide and appropriate range of sources” to support my points.  Furthermore, I conducted “independent research that extended well beyond the lecture contents”.

There was a small number of typos/grammatical slips that I made in the case study but “these did not hinder understanding”.  Next time I will let someone else proof reads my work to spot any mistakes that I have missed and will ensure that I write ‘&’ as ‘and’.

Here is a link to my assignment with the comments, feedback and grade given:

Case Study Evaluation: Learning in Classroom Feedback

Ethics Review:

The title I chose to write about was “Discuss whether animal research typically performed by psychologists is unethical”.  This was the most interesting topic to me because, as a Psychology student, I have to conduct psychological experiments throughout my degree and ethics will always be something I have to consider when doing so.  I received 72/100 which is a first.

My work showed “pleasing levels of analysis and evaluation” with an “analytical strand that permeates the discussion, which permits a balanced presentation of differing viewpoints”.  I also demonstrated engagement within the topic, as well as a very good general understanding of the issues whilst including an “excellent range of independently researched sources in the essay” which were put to “effective use”.

To improve, I could signpost more to further structure my essay and include a couple more citations in-text to illustrate my point more.

Here is a link to my assignment with the comments, feedback and grade given:

Ethics Review on Animal Research Feedback

Questionnaire Report:

The title of my report was “A comparison of The Psychological Sense of School Membership in University Students between Males and Females” based upon a questionnaire experiment.  I received a high 2:1 and got 68/100.

A strength of my assignment is how I illustrated a “good understanding of the topic area and results, with some evidence of critical thinking”.  Furthermore, my method section was “very well written, clear and could be easily replicated” and an overall good results section with the “statistics presented and interpreted correctly”.

However, my conclusion needed to be more comprehensive and an evaluation of the literature presented in my introduction would have been beneficial.  Despite my hypothesis being “clear and logical”, it could have been more explicit on what research I was basing it on.

Here is a link to my assignment with the comments, feedback and grade given:

Questionnaire Report Feedback